The simple answer is that we are a Swiss formulated health wellness company.  Long before people were reading labels, a Norwegian named Petter Morck had a vision for creating a company whose products would be pure, safe, vegan certified, and free of harmful chemicals. 

He also had a vision for how the products would be shared with others. Because of the high quality raw botanical ingredients his products would have, and because of the absence of the harmful fillers, paying all the middlemen in traditional retail would not be an option.  He chose a far superior business model; he wanted his products shared through independent business owners, not hourly employees in physical stores.

Arbonne opened in 1980, and it continues to grow by leaps and bounds as people everywhere are waking up to the truth that what goes on our skin goes right into the bloodstream, and that what goes into our bodies is either a fuel or toxin.  People are searching for pure, safe products in skincare, cosmetics, and nutrition, and when they find Arbonne, they feel they've come home, and they stay.  The demand for our products has led us to expand to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the U.K. and Poland.

But WHO is Arbonne? 

See our manifesto below.  We are men and women of every age and profession who have discovered an opportunity to create choices for ourselves and our families that would never be possible had we kept doing only what we were doing.  It's a real world business education that requires personal growth and a commitment to servant leadership.  It’s a daily adventure to discover who is looking for exactly what we have to offer, whether it’s our pure, safe products or our life-changing business opportunity. It's a place where ordinary people become extraordinary leaders.